H A&S 397 A: Mobility and Negotiations of Identity
Thursdays – 3:30-5:20, 2 credits, Spring 2011
Mary Gates Hall 206 (Honors Multipurpose Room)
Chandan Reddy
English Department
Office: A 313 Padelford
Tel: (206) 543-7985
Office Hours: Tues 9-12
Julie Villegas
Honors Program
Office: 211 Mary Gates
tel: (206) 543-7172
Office Hours: By apt
Course Blog: http://uwhonorsinberlin2011.blogspot.com/
This preparatory seminar will provide students with an interdisciplinary introduction to the summer study abroad program “Mobility and Negotiations of Identity”. We will address the concept of nation, mobility and identity through the lenses of art and literature as employed by writers, filmmakers, performers and visual artists.
Students will also be introduced to humanities research methods and performance as related to globalization, identity and knowledge. Students will decide on project themes and develop proposals that will orientate them during their time in Berlin. Similar to the summer component, the spring seminar will be comprised of classroom instruction, writing assignments, guest speakers, and excursions that will inform the final project proposals.
Course Format:
Students will learn about the city of Berlin as an object of study and will choose research groups (approximately 2-3 students per group), decide on the focus of their projects, and create a proposal, which they will then use as a guide during their time in Berlin.
The 2-3 student research groups will divide into topics under the larger theme of the program. Through collaboration within the groups and with instructors, specific topics and individual project focus will emerge. Each group member will have an opportunity to focus within the topic, but groups must decide on specific topics of study, i.e. immigration/migration group might decide to focus on Turkish immigration to Berlin, each group member will then choose a specific focus relevant to the larger topic of the program, i.e. a particular Turkish/German artist; a particular market place, etc. Specific research questions will emerge from the topics. Student groups will regularly report on preliminary research and will work together, collaboratively, both in Seattle, in Berlin and in Istanbul.
Course Goals:
Identify key social issues in Berlin
Guide students in the development of project topics
Facilitate viewing city as art and performance (i.e. seeing as a writer and artist--looking at metaphor and utilizing metaphors in the creative process.).
Introduce students to topics relevant to the larger theme of the program
Teach a variety of research/information gathering methods
Develop team process
Introduction to German history, culture, and politics
Student Objectives:
Examine contemporary artistic, social and cultural issues in the urban context of Berlin
Explore the city through the creative lens and be flexible (be open to seeing in a fresh way)
Discover your project topic and develop research questions
Prepare project proposals appropriate for exploration in Berlin
Learn to work collaboratively and successfully in small groups
Understand how an interdisciplinary approach contributes to your projects
Learn survival German (basic phrases and linguistic nuisances)
Present final projects in a creative and performative context
Required Reading:
--Please Buy from Amazon or elsewhere
1. Ladd, Brian, The Ghosts of Berlin: Confronting German History in the Urban Landscape. (selections)
2. Readings from course reserve site:
There will be additional readings as needed.
Selected Optional Reading:
Taylor, Ronald. Berlin and Its Culture: A historical portrait.
Finlay, Frank and Taberner, Stuart. Recasting German Identity: culture, politics, and literature in the Berlin Republic.
Hannerz - culture in cities
Lynch - A Walk Around the Block
Attendance and Preparation:
Any absences should be excused beforehand. You are expected to complete all assignments prior to class on the assigned date. This includes all readings, assigned writings, blog postings (and Facebook assignments), and group presentations.
Method of Evaluation: This course has no final exam. Students are graded based on the following components:
· Class participation in-class discussion and individual blog postings (1/3)
· Writing Assignments (1/3)
· Submission of group research/project proposal (1/3)
Course Blog: You will keep an individual blog linked to the course blog where you will post assignments, share research findings, and collect resources useful to your developing research project. You will continue to use your personal blog and reference the course blog during your time in Berlin.
Blog Assignments: The blogs will facilitate our learning process in two ways: 1) as a medium to post reactions about the reading assignments and 2) an additional way to create and maintain our academic community both in Seattle and abroad. All blog posts are due before class on the day they are discussed. Note: if anyone is interested in creating a Berlin Facebook page, please take the lead!
The reading reactions are meant to provide an opportunity to discuss readings assigned for that day. Each student will use their blog to reflect on the assignments and to archive information they are gathering for their projects in Berlin.
Final Proposal and Presentation: At the end of the quarter, you will have crafted a group project proposal for the summer component of the program. The final draft of your proposal should be clear, concise and, while not carved in stone, show evidence of both significant introspection and research. The final project proposal should be between 6-10 pages per group. Proposal guidelines will be made available on the course blog (TBA).
Excursions: TBA. There may be optional excursions to museums, galleries, and performances.
Course Schedule: (In the event of a schedule change, students will be notified in class and via the class listserv.)
revised: March 25, 2011
Nations and Migration
Week 1: March 31
Saskia Sassen, “Introduction To English Edition,” “Introduction,” “Nations and Migrations: Germany, France, Italy
--Icebreaker (blog your discussion)
--Discuss readings above
Nationality and Technologies of Identity
Week 2:April 7
Etienne Balibar, “The Nation Form” and report back to class)
Blog Post due: reaction to Ghosts of Berlin reading
Week 3:April 14
Tina Campt, “Other Germans” 1-80
Technology and Modern Identity
Week 4 April 21
Walter Benjamin, “The Work of Art in the Age of Technological Reproducibility” and Susan Buck-Morss, “Aesthetics and Anaesthetics”
Week 5: April 28
Selections From The Ghosts of Berlin
Selections From The Ghosts of Berlin
Migrancy, Postcoloniality and Identity (Part 1)
Week 6: May 5
Ian Chambers
Modern Turkish Identity
Week 7: May 12
Guest Speaker: Resat Kasaba, Professor International Studies, TBA
Reading assignment for today: TBA from list below (or selection per Kasaba)
(See course reserve site on blog)
“Becoming a German, what does it mean?”
“Race Culture Nation & Identity Politics in Turkey” Martin Bruinessen
Readings (tentative 1-2 from this list): 1.“Soysal, Levant “Europe and the Topography of Migrant Youth Culture in Berlin” Without Borders: remapping territory, citizenship, and identity in a transnational age
2. Leggewie, Claus “From Neighborhood to Citizenship: EU and Turkey”
Blog post due today: preliminary research on your topic. What is your process and progress. What have you found out so far?
Migrancy, Postcoloniality and Identity (Part 2)
Week 8:May 19
Arjun Appadurai, “Grassroots Globalization,”
Week 9:May 26
In class -- work on proposals and schedules (research schedules for Berlin)
Discuss projects and presentations next week. Assign order of presentations
Optional readings (on blog)TBA
June 2
Week 10: Project proposals presentations today—group presentation/discussion
June 8—Project Proposals Due (post on your blog)
June 9—Social Gathering, p.m.
Resources (check main course blog for additional materials):
* Humboldt University - Berlin http://www.hu-berlin.de/ueberblick-en/facts/
* Berlin Wall - Timeline http://www.dailysoft.com/berlinwall/
* Berlin Language and Culture http://www.german-way.com/berlinlinks.html
* Berlin Visitor's Guide http://www.berlin.de/english/
* ExBerliner English Language "What's Happening in Berlin" magazine http://www.exberliner.com/
-- “Tacheles Art Coooperative”-- http://super.tacheles.de/cms/
--“Virtuelle Mauer/Reconstructing the Wall” www.virtuelle-mauer-berlin.de
-- http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/blackhistorymonth/
Selected Films (check main blog for more options):
Against the Wall
Edge of Heaven
Good-bye, Lenin
Me Boss, You Sneaker (Hussi Kutlucan)
Lives of Others